Saturday, March 16, 2019

"Mother; The Beautiful Gift Of God"

                                                    "Mother:: Love"
There was a woman who loved me not because I loved her, not because I had a good voice, not because I was kind to her, not because she expected something in return, she loved me more than herself for nothing mentioned above, from her heart and soul, infinite.💟
SHE WAS MY MOTHER, the only human being who loved me in any condition, no matter if I was ugly or attractive, if I was successful or unsuccessful, in any condition. She would have given her heartbeats if needed.💖💖💖

Saturday, March 9, 2019

"Life Ups and Downs==> SEA Motivation"

"Life Ups and Downs==> SEA Motivation"
The life is strange. You may fall sometime or you may rise. This is all about the reality of life.
Sometimes you will be on the top of the world, then stay humble.
Sometimes you will hit a low, then stay hopeful.
If a person has a lot of lifetime goals and ideas, regularly strive for and regularly fail at, but finding emotional balance has always been the most important thing to him, in a non-hippy alternative kind of way. It is sort of just how a person roll.

Monday, March 4, 2019

<< My Childhood >>

                                               <<  My Childhood  >>
In this world, everybody has his own way of living. This is upon their life standard. I mean some people live in glassy houses, some live in the forests whereas some people live in the huts. This distribution is because of their parent's way of life. 
Same as above mentioned categories, I am also a boy of a middle-class family where the education ratio is very low, where the fathers wanted to highly educate their children, where the boys and girls wanted to rise the name of their parents, family and as well as of the country. In order to fulfill my purpose, I decided to work hard day and night. In this mission of my life, my father became my backbone and thanks almighty Allah, now I am about to complete my bachelor.
In this journey of 20 years, I have fallen several times but my mentor who was my father has raised me and supported me all the time.


Does Metaverse Future Sometimes Make You Feel Stupid?

In 1992, when the Internet was still new, American novelist Neil Stevenson spoke about virtual reality, a virtual world where people would...